Posted on June 26, 2017 View all news
Laudetur Jesus Christus! Gelobt sei Jesus Christus! Sia lodato Gesù Cristo! Praised be Jesus Christ!
A quick update on our Parish Pilgrimage to Italy in November. We now have 27 pilgrims. This is a great number. I am limiting the number of pilgrims to 35. Keeping the number of pilgrims low allows for a more casual and personal pilgrimage. This was one of my requests of the tour company when I began planning the Pilgrimage over a year ago. Another feature of the Pilgrimage is that we will have daily Mass in both, the Ordinary and Extraordinary Forms, so that those attached to either will be able to attend these Masses in the holy sites which we visit. If you are on the fence about going, now is the time to make the decision, before all of the seats are filled.
The trip is expensive, costing $3,379. For those who are not able to afford the entirety of the trip, especially for young adults in our Parish, I have a limited amount of funds available to assist in paying for the trip. Please contact me directly for more information and to work something out. I ask everyone to pray for a successful Pilgrimage, as we travel in the footsteps of St. Philip Neri, visiting all of the sites important to us as Roman Catholics.
As I have been pointing out for the past few weeks, our Parish will celebrate a milestone on July 3 as we celebrate our 175th anniversary. There will be an all-Parish Solemn Mass at 6:00 p.m., followed by a celebration behind the Church. I am hoping every parishioner is able to attend. Please sign up, either on the Parish web-page, or on the sheets near the Church doors. Please also indicate if you are able to bring a dish to share. Let us be sure to pray for good weather, for our Parish, and for another 175 years of faithful service. To help celebrate this milestone, I will be including excerpts from our history in the bulletin over the next few weeks. This comes from the Parish History Book put together by Jeff Herbert a few years ago. If you would like to purchase one, please contact the Parish Office.
The commemorative steins will also be here this upcoming week. Please contact the Parish to purchase one. The book and stein each cost $25. Have a blessed week ahead!
“The work had progressed far enough so that the cornerstone could be laid on Thursday, March 25, 1841, the Feast of the Annunciation. God looked down favorable upon the work that was being done, for He blessed the celebration with a beautiful day. People of all nationalities were gathered on this day, to do honor to their God, showing the unity of faith and worship that is so dear to our church. The procession, which, as escort to the bishop, was composed of priests of the city and St. Xavier College, a band of seminarians, and several young girls dressed in pure white, reached the grounds at 3:00 p.m. There, during the cantation of a solemn hymn by the entire concourse, composed especially for the occasion by the Reverend Hammer, was set the cornerstone of the oldest standing church in Cincinnati. The German sermon on this occasion was delivered by Reverend Henni; the English sermon, however, was preached by Bishop Purcell, who also laid the cornerstone.”