Posted on October 1, 2024 View all news
The month of October is dedicated to the Holy Rosary. If you have not developed the habit of praying the Rosary daily, this month will give you an excellent opportunity to develop that habit. The month’s main Marian Feast is October 7, the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary, commemorating the European forces’ victory over the Turkish fleet at Lepanto. This Feast was previously known as Our Lady of Victory, after which the parish in Delhi is named. The Rosary can do powerful things, as history has demonstrated. One of the fifteen promises of the Rosary is “Devotion for my Rosary is a great sign of predestination.” If you wish greater confidence in your eternal salvation, pray the Rosary!
This month of October we see several things going on. We have the Feasts of St. Therese on October 3, St. John Henry Newman on October 9, and the big celebration for Bl. Karl on October 21. On October 19, we have the Men’s Eucharistic Procession through downtown, for which I encourage every parish man to be present. October will be a busy month, so be sure to mark your calendars.
Now, something that I wish to address. I wish to reiterate that everyone here is on the same team and the staff is doing their best. The parish office staff has been getting a lot of pushback as they try to enforce policies, such as how things get scheduled, who can schedule things, etc. We have policies and schedules for a reason, even if you may not know why, understand, or agree. Things also change, this is a much different place than it was ten years ago. Some of this pushback has been getting rude and un-Christian. Please do not do this, the staff is merely trying to help you and also enforce the policies I have put in place. You may not like when or how things can be scheduled, but these have been set based on what is best for the parish and the priests. The schedule remains quite generous in scheduling things, but if you are not flexible and are planning things around external factors to the Sacrament, our schedule may not allow this. Please also note that the parish office will only discuss and schedule baptisms with the parents of the child and weddings with the couple. I know people can have a bad day, but if you find you have taken that out on anyone, I would encourage you to apologize. Thank you for your cooperation!
The annual financial report is available this month. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the parish office. Please remember that one of the Precepts of the Church is to provide for the needs of the Church. St. Paul speaks of the necessity of giving according to one’s means. I thank all those who generously support the mission of the churches and the Oratory. Without you, we would not be able to function. If you do not regularly contribute, I would encourage you to do so, to fulfill the Precepts of the Church which are morally binding. Each should give according to their means; there is no expectation of a percentage. Everyone’s circumstances are different, but everyone can contribute something to the Church for what we receive from her. So please keep this vital act in mind.
Have a blessed month ahead!