Posted on September 3, 2024 View all news
The month of September is dedicated to Our Sorrowful Mother. Those with deep sorrow, especially those who have lost children, can fly to Our Lady under this title. As a mother, she understands our sorrows and we can rely on her to help us maintain good hope even in the darkest of difficulties. Our Lady of Sorrows, pray for us!
Last month we bid farewell to Dominic Yasenchack who is studying for the Archdiocese of Cincinnati as a seminarian at the Pontifical College Josephinum. This is the college seminary that Fr. Adrian and I attended. Please keep Dominic in your prayers! If you wish to send him a card, you can mail it to 7625 N. High St, Columbus, OH 43235.
We will also bid farewell to Br. Stephen and Br. Benjamin on September 4 as they head to St. Philip Neri Seminary at the Toronto Oratory to begin their priestly studies. They will have three years of Philosophy followed by three years of Theology. Please also keep them in your prayers as they continue their priestly formation. You can send them cards or notes at: St. Philip Neri Seminary, 1372 King St. West, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M6K 1H3.
Steven Heid, who has been a part of the parish for several years and currently in the choir at Old St. Mary, has been accepted to the Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate and will be leaving to begin their postulancy and then novitiate. So please also keep him in your prayers as he begins this new journey.
The parish year is getting ready to begin again. Catechism for our children will start soon, along with the conversion classes for those interested in becoming Catholic. So please sign up your children for Catechism with the sisters. If you know anyone interested in becoming Catholic or anyone who has yet to be confirmed, please have them contact the parish office to sign up for classes and more information. Sunday Vespers at Old St. Mary will resume in October at 3:30 p.m.
Please be sure to check the online calendar for all the special Masses and events throughout the year. Please be sure to continue to pray for vocations. Our parishes are producing vocations, which is a good sign. The Church continues to need good and holy vocations to the priesthood and religious life.
A quick note on the parish merger. The process has been a bit slower than I anticipated. Thank you for your patience. We have worked diligently to propose a solution that I believe works well for our situation, so this has taken some time to work out. If you have not been able to register yet, please operate as if you have. Attend Mass, introduce yourself to the priests, participate in parish life and, hopefully, all will be set up soon!
I wish each of you a blessed month!