Posted on March 13, 2020 View all news

Please note that all non-liturgical and Sacramental events/preparation in the parish have been canceled until at least April 3. This is at the request of the Archbishop. This includes Catechism class, socials after Mass, group meetings, etc. The liturgical schedule will otherwise remain as is for now, but further changes can be announced as the situation unfolds. The Ordination on Thursday, March 19, is still scheduled as is at 6:00 p.m. The reception, however, has been delayed until a later date when this outbreak passes.
If you are ill, out of both charity and justice, please stay home and get better and not expose anyone else to whatever you may have, whether it is the coronavirus, the flu, strep throat, etc. The Archbishop has lifted the Sunday obligation through Sunday, March 29. If you are healthy and can attend Mass, you should. Please use prudence. We also encourage the virtue of fortitude, and not allowing fear to also become contagious. God has given to us the beautiful gift of reason, we must make proper use of it so that society can quickly return to normal once this threat has passed. Please be sure to pray for all those directly affected, whether it is the dying, the sick, or the poor who will be economically hurt during this time.
St. Charles Borromeo, a friend of St. Philip Neri who helped Milan through the plague from 1576-1578, pray for us!