Aside from Saint Philip, here are the various Saints and Blessed associated with the Congregation of the Oratory

St. Francis de Sales (1567–1622)
Born in France
Ordained a Priest in 1593; Consecrated Bishop of Geneva in 1602
Founded an Oratory in Switzerland
Known for his ability to inspire a return to the Catholic Faith
Author of the spiritual masterpiece Introduction to the Devout Life
Canonized in 1665; Proclaimed a Doctor of the Church in 1877

St. John Henry Newman (1801–1890)
Born in England
Converted to the Faith in 1845
Ordained a Priest in 1847; Named a Cardinal in 1879
Founded the Birmingham Oratory
Author of several masterpieces including Apologia Pro Vita Sua
Beatified in 2010
Canonized in 2019

St. Luigi Scrosoppi (1804–1884)
Born in Italy
Ordained a Priest in 1827
Worked to re-establish the Udine Oratory
Known for his holiness, work among the poor, and his virtues
Worked against anti-clericalism in Italy
Canonized in 2001

St. Joseph Vaz (1651–1711)
Born in Goa
Founded the Goa Oratory
Ordained a Priest in 1676
Known for the administration of the Sacrament in Goa, which was predominately Calvanist
Spread the Faith through Goa
Beatified in 1995
Canonized in 2015

Bl. Juvenal Ancina (1545–1604)
Born in Italy
Ordained a Priest in 1582, Consecrated a Bishop in 1602
Joined the Roman Oratory and helped establish the Naples Oratory
Known for his ability to attract others to the Faith
Zealously implemented the Council of Trent in his diocese
Beatified in 1890

Bl. Antony Grassi (1592–1671)
Born in Italy
Member of the Fermo Oratory
Known for a great love the Sacrament of Penance
Quoted as saying: “He who hears Mass with devotion every morning cannot fail to be a friend of God.”
Beatified in 1900

Bl. Sebastian Valfrè (1629–1710)
Born in Italy
Member of the Turin Oratory
Ordained a Priest in 1652
Known for his care of the sick and the Sacrament of Penance
Carried out faithful the Corporal Works of Mercy
Beatified in 1834

Blessed Salvio Huix Miralpeix (1877-1936)
Born in Sancta Margarida de Vellors, Spain
Member of the Vic Oratory
Ordained a Priest in 1903; Consecrated a Bishop 1928
Known for his charity, and ministry in the Confessional and Pulpit
Martyred during the Spanish Civil War for his adherence to the Catholic Faith; first Oratorian Martyr
Beatified in 2013
Other Notable Oratorians
Ven. Caesar Baronius (1538-1607)
Original Disciple of St. Philip Neri
Known as a Church Historian
Created a Cardinal in 1596
Ven. Francesco M. Tarugi (1525-1608)
Original Disciple of St. Philip Neri
Assisted with the Foundation of Naples
Created a Cardinal in 1596
Fr. Federick Faber (1814-1863)
Under Newman, founded the London Oratory
Known for writing Hymns
Fr. Loius Boyer (1913-2004)
Member of the French Oratory
Known as a Liturgist