Posted on January 17, 2016 View all news
Laudetur Jesus Christus!
Gelobt sei Jesus Christus!
Praised be Jesus Christ!
Even though the Christmas Season has wound down, the next few months will be as busy as ever. I hope you can start planning on attending some of these events now.
Unfortunately we have to postpone the blessing of the Pious House. When the streetcar line was installed, Duke Energy put down new gas lines but did not connect the Pious House to the new main. When Duke came out to turn the gas on, we discovered the issue. Even this delay of a few days has pushed back work four weeks as we had to reschedule our sub-contractors and workers for a time when the heat was on.
We are currently working to reschedule the blessing with the Archbishop’s office for April. I will give a more detailed update once things have been finalized. I hope that everyone is able to make this important event, It would be nice to have a large gathering of the faithful to show the Archbishop how much Old St. Mary’s and the Community-in-Formation means to us and to thank him for his support of both. We will have an open house sometime in March so that you can walk around the house and see the work that has been accomplished.
In order to prevent any ambiguity, the Pious House is owned completely by the Community-in-Formation and has been renovated with funds raised by the Community-in-Formation for this purpose. No parish funds have been used for this project nor will the parish be responsible for the bills, beyond the obligation of the parish to support the priests that are assigned the care of the parish. The parish house will remain a house under the care of the priests who have that responsibility.
Secondly, it is hard to believe, but Ash Wednesday is February 10. To help us in our Lenten Observance, we will host a parish pilgrimage to Carey, Ohio to visit the Basilica and National Shrine of Our Lady of Consolation on February 20. We will leave Old St. Mary’s around 8:00 a.m. and return around 9:00 p.m. We will have Holy Mass, a tour, a spiritual conference, and recite the Rosary at the Basilica. Cost is $15 per person to cover the cost of the bus, and we are limited to only 40 people. If there is enough interest, we can look into the possibility of a second bus. Please contact the parish office for more information or to reserve your spot.
Finally, in next weeks’ bulletin, please look for an update regarding the finances, projects, and health of Old St. Mary’s. The fiscal year begins each July, so the New Year provides a nice opportunity to update you about the parish and our finnaical health half way through the fiscal year. Have a great week ahead!