Posted on October 18, 2015 View all news
Laudetur Jesus Christus!
Gelobt sei Jesus Christus!
Praised be Jesus Christ!
A warm welcome to all those present today for our annual All Societies Mass, sponsored by the G.A.C.L. Thank you for being with us today. Wilkommen!
I am sure you have noticed the scaffolding that is in front of the Church. Several weeks ago I mentioned that the bell tower was in need of repair. We discovered that pieces of the stone have cracked out and have fallen to the ground. This created a dangerous situation for those walking by the church. Even a small piece of stone falling from that height could seriously hurt someone. This necessitated us placing this scaffolding until we are able to fix this problem.
Unfortunately, I expect this to be there for several months. Bill Diemler and I, in consultation with the parish and finance councils, are working on a solution. This issue, along with the leaky roof, will require a capital fund drive. We are working to pull this together so that we can make the necessary repairs to the church. There are several things that need tending to, and more information about these impending fixes will be forthcoming. Please keep this in your prayers as we work to ensure the beauty of this building for generations to come.
One thing that we can do now is to add the intentions of this parish to our daily rosary. If you don’t already pray the rosary daily, I encourage everyone to please do so. After the Mass, the saints have said that the rosary is the most powerful prayer we can say. If we say the rosary for these projects and for the good of the parish, Our Lady will surely bless us.
October is the month of the rosary specifically because Mary has so often heard the prayers of the Church through the Rosary. Even when things seemed to be impossible, or catastrophe seemed certain, somehow when the Church entrusted our prayers in Rosary, the impossible became possible and catastrophes were averted. So I ask that everyone please recite the rosary each day for our intentions here at the parish, specifically for our coming capital fund drive. May we trust that Our Lady will hear our prayers as we seek to care for the Church in Cincinnati dedicated to her.
Have a Blessed Week ahead!