Father’s Column 12/11

Posted on December 11, 2016 View all news

Laudetur Jesus Christus! Gelobt sei Jesus Christus! Sia lodato Gesù Cristo! Praised be Jesus Christ!

With the Third Sunday of Advent, we enter into a more intense period of preparation for the Season of Christmas. I encourage everyone to continue in their preparation for the birth of the Lord. But I also remind you that we need to be preparing each day to welcome the Lord in our own hearts and souls through the reception of Holy Communion frequently, and also for when He returns again in glory at the end of time.

To do this, we must pray fervently each day, through our attendance at Daily Mass, the recitation of the Rosary, participation in Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, among other devotions. Please do not fail to also speak to God in your own words, and to communicate directly with Him.

One should also daily examine your conscience. If we do not know where we are imperfect, how can we become perfect as we have been called? Bring these imperfections to the Sacrament of Penance, and work to overcome the vices that have gripped the heart by growing in virtue. The Lord is generous with His graces, if we but ask. The Lord has given us all the virtues we need to live life perfectly, if we but practice them. May we not take such gifts for granted.

Lastly, Christmas Day is approaching rapidly. Hopefully not all of the decorations are up just yet, and the most important have been saved for the day when we do recall the birth of the King of kings. Advent is a time when many family traditions are, and can be, established. Use the Church’s Liturgical wisdom to do so. We shouldn’t pretend it is Christmas just yet, but neither should we pretend Christmas isn’t coming. The Church has given us this period of preparation to prepare for Christ, to remind us that each day of our lives we need to prepare for the Lord. She has also given us that period of rejoicing after Christmas, beginning with the Octave of Christmas (the eight days immediately following Christmas that are celebrated as Christmas themselves), and then the Christmas Season which runs properly until February 2. Let us make our observance of this season truly Christian, and truly rejoice when Christ does appear.

To assist in this preparation, I encourage everyone to participate in activities here at Church. First with our Catechism this coming Tuesday with Fr. David Endres, speaking about evidence of Christ outside of the Gospels. We have our Annual Musical Oratory this coming Wednesday at 7:00 p.m. (Please bring some cookies to share afterwards). There is cleaning on December 17, and then decorating on December 21. Please see the next pages of the bulletin for more information on all of these events. There is much to do to ready our souls, our homes, and our Church to welcome Christ. May we do so worthily and faithfully.

Have a blessed week ahead!