Father’s Column 12/14

Posted on December 14, 2014 View all news

Laudetur Jesus Christus!
Gelobt sei Jesus Christus!
Praised be Jesus Christ!

Today is Gaudete Sunday. Coming from the first word of the Introit for the Mass, the Church calls each of her sons and daughters to rejoice because the dawn of our salvation is near at hand. Unlike the other days of Advent, the organ is played today, flowers and relics are placed upon the altar, and rose vestments are used in place of the purple. St. Paul exhorts us in his epistles to always rejoice, but we should especially be joyful today now that our Advent observance is half over.

In order for us to continue to make our Advent fruitful, we still have a few events to be aware of. First of all is our upcoming Musical Oratory for Advent. Nothing lifts up our hearts and minds to God more than Sacred Music, and this evening will help do that as we reflect on Sacred Scripture and favorite Advent motets and carols. We will have a mixture of English, German, and Latin scripture and music. I encourage everyone to attend. Finally, on December 23 at 6 p.m., we will set up the Church for Christmas. We will serve pizza and if anyone wants to bring something to share, that would be most welcome. This will help us ready the Church for the birth of the Lord. Please keep these two events in mind as we inch closer to Christmas.

Finally, it has come to my attention that the office may not have the correct contact information for everyone. If you have noticed that the address is wrong on your envelopes, or if you have not received our Advent post card, then we do not have your correct address. Please con- tact the parish office so that we can update our records. I apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused anyone.

Have a blessed week ahead!
