Father’s Column 2/1

Posted on February 1, 2015 View all news

Laudetur Jesus Christus!
Gelobt sei Jesus Christus!
Praised be Jesus Christ!

St. Philip Neri once said: “The love of God makes us do great things.” With this quote in mind, I ask you to please consider making a gift to the Catholic Ministries Appeal.

This weekend is Commitment Weekend for the an- nual CMA. The CMA is the Archbishop’s annual fund drive meant to help fund seven important works of the Archdiocese, including the seminary, seminarians’ education (e.g. Br. Adrian), St. Rita’s School for the Deaf, and priest chaplaincies in hospitals, prisons, and college campuses. Without the generous support of Catholics in the pews, these apostolates could not happen. It unfortunately takes money to administer the Sacraments and proclaim the Gospel. The Archbishop has been very generous to Old St. Mary’s, from the moment that he became the Archbishop of Cincinnati in 2009. Even Archbishop Pilarczyk and Archbishop Bernadin were very generous to Old St. Mary’s, while so many of their brother bishops closed parishes very similar to Old St. Mary’s. Archbishop Pilarczyk forgave a very large debt that Old St. Mary’s had to the Archdiocese while Fr. Al was the pastor, a debt he could have demanded be paid.

Archbishop Schnurr allowed the Oratory to be started here, which guarantees our small parish many priests for generations to come; parishes larger than ours have to share a priest. We will never be in short supply of the Sacraments here, while so many other parishes lack even one priest. This will allow the Latin Mass, the German Mass, our English Masses, and our many devotions to continue unhindered. Allowing the glory of Jesus Christ to continue to be proclaimed from this place. I think the Archbishops’ support and generosity with Old St. Mary’s is demonstrated clearly by their actions that have guaranteed Old St. Mary’s continued existence. I ask you to please repay the Archbishops’ generosity this year by meeting the parish’s goal of $11,521. I believe that this is important for us to do, and would be the first time in at least a very long time, if not the first at all, that we meet our goal. In the past, less than 20% of the parish has participated. Please prayerfully consider a gift, and know that I myself support this appeal and am a contributor. I would not ask you to support something that I do not. I thank you for your consideration and I hope we can meet our goal!

Have a blessed week ahead!
