Posted on February 15, 2015 View all news
Laudetur Jesus Christus!
Gelobt sei Jesus Christus!
Praised be Jesus Christ!
With Lent quickly approaching, I hope that every- one has had the opportunity to think about what penances you will do for Lent. Please make sure that you
keep the three spiritual practices recommended in Scripture in mind – Prayer, Fasting, and Almsgiving. It is important for us to keep all three of these in mind when it comes to Lent. There will be plenty of opportunities for prayer. Specifically at Old St. Mary’s, we will gather on Tuesdays at 6 p.m. for Soup and Bread, followed by Stations of the Cross, a Lenten talk, concluding with Exposition and
the offering of Confession. Benediction will occur at 8:30 p.m. Fasting is always beneficial to the soul because it reminds us that we have not been made for this earth, and that our reward lies in Heaven. So offering up various penances is always good for us. It is also good for us to serve those who are less privileged than ourselves. I know our Pregnancy Center and St. Peter Claver School are always looking for volunteers. There are also plenty of soup kitchens and pantries around Over-the-Rhine and the city one could volunteer at or donate to. Finally, I urge everyone to find some virtue you would like to grow in. Work and pray about this virtue during Lent. This will be something that will not end on Easter Sunday, but will be a virtue you can take into Eternal Life. I have already planned out what I will be doing this Lent, so please don’t let Ash Wednesday sneak up on you. It is THIS Wednesday!
Finally, I will unfortunately have to restrict parking in the courtyard to only residents of the rectory. Last week someone hit Br. Brent’s car in the courtyard, causing several hundred dollars worth of damage. To add to the injury, the person did not even allow Christian charity to influence them by letting Br. Brent know or offer to pay for the damages. As a result, only residents of the rectory, or those with my express permission, will be allowed to park in the courtyard from March 1 forward. Parking in the courtyard can at times get out of control in a space that only allows for three cars. I apologize for any inconvenience, but I do hope that you understand the reasons leadings up to this decision. Have a blessed week ahead!