Father’s Column 4/19

Posted on April 19, 2015 View all news

Laudetur Jesus Christus!
Gelobt sei Jesus Christus!
Praised be Jesus Christ!

I would like to thank everyone who made an effort to get to our Holy Week services. Attendance was in general up, hopefully giving more of the faithful the opportunity to enter more deeply into the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of the Lord. Easter is the holiest time of the Church year. It is a reminder as to why Christ came into the world, and what it is that He has offered to us. He has given to us the opportunity for eternal life. Holy Week has shown us that unless we carry our crosses, that we will never be worthy of Heaven. We should never run from suffering, nor should we go looking for it, because through it we are able to become more like Christ. No longer is being poor despised, because Christ was poor. No longer is being hated looked down upon, because Christ was hated. No longer is suffering futile, because Christ Himself suffered. Through His Resurrection, Christ has given new meaning to everything that society considers foolish. Rather than seeking to conform ourselves to culture and society, may we begin to imitate Christ, and Him alone.

A brief reminder that the Mass/Adoration parking signs are now posted. Parking in the courtyard just in front of the rectory is no longer allowed. I realize that this was a change for some people and I thank those who have already adjusted. For those that haven’t made the adjustment yet, please do so that we can avoid any difficult situations. I have done my best to ensure parking for and the safety of those who come here to pray, while also still respecting the fact that the rectory is also a home where people live.

Finally, I would like to thank many of you who have offered prayers and concern over these past few weeks. As many of you have noticed, I have been having difficulty walking and with my joints. This started the evening of the Fish Fry and has progressed over these past few weeks. I finally made it a point to see a rheumatologist during Holy Week and he is working to figure out what is going on. I don’t believe this is serious, but I am thankful for the prayers and well wishes. I have been feeling much better since seeing the doctor. Please continue to keep me in your prayers.

Have a blessed week ahead!
