Posted on April 3, 2017 View all news
Laudetur Jesus Christus! Gelobt sei Jesus Christus! Sia lodato Gesù Cristo! Praised be Jesus Christ!
Before time gets away from you, be sure to add our Holy Week Masses and services to your busy schedule. This is the week that changed the world. The week in which God showed us how much He loves us, and desires us to be with Him. Our God desires it very much, but so often we don’t desire to be with Him. During this upcoming Holy Week, starting next Sunday on Palm Sunday, may we see in the suffering face of Christ the God who desires to give us everything. May we willingly embrace this immense gift by turning away from our sinful ways and turning back to Him.
Please note that for Palm Sunday alone, the 9:15 a.m. Mass begins at 9:00 a.m. in the Parish Garden (weather permitting). Easter Sunday Mass begins at 9:15 a.m. There will be no Adoration, Vespers, or 7:00 p.m. Mass on Easter Sunday.
The following are preparing for Sacraments at the Easter Vigil this year. I ask that you keep them in your prayers. For Baptism, Confirmation, and First Communion: Jacque Matherne. For Confirmation: Chris Merchich, Sean Pharo, Logan Tenhundfeld, Jean Ann Meyer, Grace Veirs, Natalie Borgert, Rosie Sharpshair, Casey Kelley, and Cecilia Wilhelmy. Please keep all those, who are preparing for Sacraments, in your prayers over these next weeks and days.
I would also like to congratulate Benjamin Robert Schaengold, the son of Audrey and David Schaengold, who was baptized at Old St. Mary’s on March 18. Welcome into the Church, Benjamin!
Traditionally, today would be called Passion Sunday, the beginning of Passiontide, when the Church calls us into greater preparation for the Passion, Death, and Resurrection of our Lord. I present this selection from Thomas a Kempis’ “On the Passion of Christ.” Have a blessed week ahead!
“I bless Thee, and give thanks to Thee, O Lord Jesus Christ, illustrious King of Saints, and shining Crown of everlasting glory, for the many unheard of outrages and affronts, to which Thou wast once more subjected by Thy impious tormentors, when Thou hadst been brought by the cruel soldiers into the Praetorium. There, the whole band being gathered together unto Thee, Thou wast shamefully stripped of Thy own garments, and instead of them, wast mockingly clothed in a scarlet cloak ; that so Thou mightest clothe us, who are devoid of all goodness, with the cloak of Thy own holiness, and mightest adorn us with the sweetness of Thy Own nature.
O sight of all sights the saddest ; to see the Son of God, in Whom no spot of sin could be found, so ignominiously and so cruelly crowned!
How surpassingly cruel was the rage of the soldiers, who shrank not from piercing with so many thorn-points that Head, so noble and so worshipful; and who even dared to insult the King of Angels by saluting Him in mockery, by smiting Him, and by making Him a gazing-stock to the multitude!” – Thomas a Kempis