Posted on July 5, 2015 View all news
Laudetur Jesus Christus!
Gelobt sei Jesus Christus!
Praised be Jesus Christ!
Today we celebrate the 173rd Anniversary of Old St. Mary’s Church. In a not too distant future, we will celebrate 175 years. Much has changed in these 173 years, but through each year, Old St. Mary’s has remained faithful to her mission. She will continue to remain faithful, if God wills it, for another 173 years. It is currently up to us, the current parishioners of this Church, to help ensure that this mission continues. May we, in the footsteps of all those who have come before us, continue this mission in fidelity and love.
Over the past two weeks, our country has gone through quite an emotional roller coaster. With the Supreme Court declaring that same sex marriage is a constitutional right, a storm of enthusiasm and disappointment ran through the nation. While the media and social media may present something different, the country is still very much divided on this issue and there is no clear super majority. Even within the polling, it all depends upon how the question is asked. Regardless of what polls and the media may show, all people of good will are supposed to strive after what is good and true. This must always rise above our feelings, anger, and bitterness; those within our parish who grew up in Nazi Germany can tell us in very real first hand stories where that leads.
What has happened is that the Church and Society now talk two different languages. The Church understands marriage as a life-long covenant between a man and woman for the mutual support of the spouses and the raising of children. Society has been, long before the gay rights movement, moving away from this understanding to some vague notion of love. This led to the de facto support of no fault divorce, contraception, and abortion. For quite some time, marriage has been simply seen as a loving commitment between two people. With this societal shift already well in place, it was only a matter of time before those who have same sex attraction would also demand this right.
This shift, along with the failings of the Church over these past few decades, should result in a period of reflection for us all. What we can all do now, however, is lead holy lives. Lives filled with prayer, charity, and frequent reception of the Sacraments, especially the Eucharist and Confession. For those that are married, I encourage you to live loving and faithful lives, cherishing your children and raising them as children of God. In the meantime, may we all pray to the Holy Family and ask for their intercession for the family. Have a blessed week ahead and Happy Anniversary!