Posted on August 9, 2015 View all news
Laudetur Jesus Christus!
Gelobt sei Jesus Christus!
Praised be Jesus Christ!
This coming week we celebrate the Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven. This is the central feast day for the Blessed Mother, the culmination of her life as the Mother of God.
All of Mary’s special favors and graces flowed from the fact that she was the Mother of God. The Divine Maternity of Mary is not something we grasp the full reality. Mary was hand-chosen by God to be His mother. She was prepared from before all eternity to be an integral part of God’s plan to save each of us. On account of this role, she has become the crown jewel of all humanity. She has become the Queen of Heaven and Earth.
Much like the Cross was a stumbling block to the Jews (1 Cor. 1:23), Mary is a stumbling block for the Protestants in understanding our Faith. So often it seems as though Protestant Theology is happy to reduce her to a sinful instrument that God decided to use for his purposes. However, the Church teaches that God did not use Mary. Rather, He chose her and she freely accepted the role as Mother of God. On account of this, God bestowed on her graces and favors beyond our understanding. She became the New Eve, who would help recreate God’s creation. This was not simply because Mary chose to cooperate with God’s plan; but because she was to be given the role that no other human being would be given, that of God’s Mother, the Theotokos.
Although this Saturday is not a Holy Day of Obligation this year, I encourage everyone to attend Mass on this day. Mary’s role in Salvation History is indispensable, a role we are called to emulate. I pray that the Blessed Mother continues to shower down prayers and graces upon Old St. Mary’s Parish and upon each of us. She became the mother of the infinite and eternal God. May we never doubt the importance of this role, and when we are in need, always fly to her.
May God Bless you in the coming week!