Father’s Column 9/17/2017

Posted on September 17, 2017 View all news

Laudetur Jesus Christus! Gelobt sei Jesus Christus! Sia lodato Gesù Cristo! Praised be Jesus Christ!

As you may have noticed this past week, the roof on the school building and church is being replaced. Hopefully, the work will be completed in the next week or so. This is much needed to help preserve the integrity of our buildings and the art work in church. The cost has been covered by several bequests which have come into the Parish. There is always work to be done, so please be sure to leave Old St. Mary’s in your will. Parish Council met this past week to discuss several more projects which are needed to help keep this beautiful place operating. More information will be forthcoming.

The Parish ‘year’ is about to get very busy. On page five, please find a list of many of the events between now and the end of October. Please mark your calendars now, so that you don’t miss any of these special events!

We begin Sunday Vespers again today. Vespers is one of the ‘Offices’ found within the Divine Office, those Psalms and prayers which Priests and Religious promise to say with and for the Church. The Church, most  recently at Vatican II, has always encouraged the faithful to participate in the Office, especially at Sunday Vespers. So I encourage each of you to make an effort to join us on Sunday at 3:30. We will again have Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament following the 12:30 Mass until Benediction just before Vespers. Vespers is changed in Latin, with books provided for the faithful’s participation. I also ask that everyone consider signing up for a regular Holy Hour on Sunday, as a way to further help keep holy the Lord’s day! I hope to you see there every Sunday, or at least from time to time!

It seems opportune, now, to quote St. Francis de Sales. He devoted a whole chapter in his book, The Introduction to the Devote Life, to participation in the Divine Office. I hope that you find this helpful. Have a blessed week ahead!



“Furthermore, my child, you should endeavour to assist at the Offices, Hours, Vespers, etc., as far as you are able, especially on Sundays and Festivals, days which are dedicated to God, wherein we ought to strive to do more for His Honour and Glory than on others. You will greatly increase the fervor of your devotion by so doing, even as did Saint Augustine, who tells us in his Confessions, that in the early days of his conversion he was touched to the quick, and his heart overflowed in happy tears, when he took part in the Offices of the Church. Moreover (let me say it here once for all), there is always more profit and more consolation in the public Offices of the Church than in private acts of devotion, God having willed to give the preference to communion in prayer over all individual action. Be ready to take part in any confraternities and associations you may find in the place where you are called to dwell, especially such as are most fruitful and edifying. This will be pleasing to God; for although confraternities are not ordained, they are recommended by the Church, which grants various privileges to those who are united thereby. And it is always a work of love to join with others and take part in their good works. And although it may be possible that you can use equally profitable devotions by yourself as in common with others,–perhaps even you may like doing so best,–nevertheless God is more glorified when we unite with our brethren and neighbors and join our offerings to theirs.

I say the same concerning all public services and prayers, in which, as far as possible, each one of us is bound to contribute the best example we can for our neighbor’s edification, and our hearty desire for God’s Glory and the general good of all men.” – St. Francis de Sales