Father’s Column – April 26, 2020

Posted on April 27, 2020 View all news

Laudetur Jesus Christus! Gelobt sei Jesus Christus!
Sia lodato Gesù Cristo! Praised be Jesus Christ! 

On Saturday, we celebrated the ordination of Bro. Brent Stull, Bro. Henry Hoffmann, and Eddie Hoffmann to the diaconate. Though we had hoped you could all join us, we look forward to the priesthood ordination next year! The Archbishop ordained ten to the diaconate on Saturday, nine transitional deacons, and one permanent deacon. Next year, there will be nine new priests within our Archdiocese. A sure testament that God is still at work, even in the midst of the chaos of the world. Please continue to keep Bro. Brent, Bro. Henry, Eddie, and all those progressing toward the altar in your prayers.

This is all the more significant since Sunday was Good Shepherd Sunday on the traditional calendar, and this coming Sunday is Good Shepherd Sunday on the reformed calendar. Which gives us a week to contemplate and meditate upon this person of the Good Shepherd. In the Gospel, Christ declares Himself to be ‘the Good Shepherd.’ This week gives us the opportunity to continue to ask and beg God to send to us shepherds modeled after Christ, who will seek to lead the Church into the ways of holiness and virtue. 

This is also a time when we should consider what we do promote and create a culture where vocations can be abundant. We ought to pray, and we should beg God to send to us priests and religious. However, we also have to encourage our young men and women to consider a vocation. That even with the ugliness of the clergy that we have seen for so many decades, that we still recognize that it is Christ the Good Shepherd that is the model and respect for the clergy is still needed if we hope to inspire our young to consider a vocation. Every young Catholic should at least ask themselves if they have the capacity to embrace a vocation to the priesthood and/or religious life. To ask themselves if they are capable to be generous with the Lord and the Church to help lead the Church and our families into greater holiness.

May we pray for vocations to the priesthood and religious life, and strive to make a culture within our families and parishes where serious consideration can be given by the young to consider making the sacrifices necessary to be good priests and religious. This is all the more important today as we seek to raise up the new saints in our own generation.

Per previous updates, please remember that you can find suggestions here on prayers and where to watch Mass.

Also, be sure to continue to check the parish webpage calendar for the hours that church will be open, and when confession will be offered. You can find the calendar at this link: Google Calendar. This will be the most accurate and updated list, but please be sure to check daily in case something has changed. Please enter through the side door of church.

There is Holy Water and other materials available near the side door. Holy Water bottles are available to be purchased for $1, which simply covers the cost. Please drop this in the donation box under the high pulpit. You can also drop your Sunday collection envelopes for either Old St. Mary’s or Sacred Heart and/or other donations in there as well. You can also set up online giving for Old St. Mary’s here, for Sacred Heart here, and the Oratory here.

Please note that the physical parish office is closed, but everyone is working remotely and responding to phone calls and emails during this time.

Finally, my sermon for this Sunday can be found below. Have a blessed week ahead!
