Posted on April 7, 2019 View all news
Laudetur Jesus Christus! Gelobt sei Jesus Christus!
Sia lodato Gesù Cristo! Praised be Jesus Christ!
As we are about to begin Holy Week, I encourage all to look over our Holy Week schedule. These are important Masses and Liturgies that give meaning to why we believe in Christ. It also shows to us in a real way the key to eternal life, the Cross. As we are about to begin this Holy Week next Sunday, please be sure to think often of the passion of the Lord. The Lord suffered much to redeem us, may we not take this for granted by falling back into old habits and sins!
A reminder that the Sunday 9:15 a.m. Mass at Old St. Mary’s will begin at 9:00 a.m. next Sunday in the garden (weather permitting) for the blessing of palms and procession into the Church. Also a reminder that the Italian Dinner is next Sunday at Sacred Heart. We can always use volunteers, so please consider volunteering! Carry-outs will begin around 10:30 a.m. and the dining room will open at noon. Please join us!
Have a blessed week ahead!
“Bless Thee, and give thanks to Thee, O Lord Jesus Christ, Maker and Redeemer of all the faithful, for the sad beginning of Thy most bitter Passion; for the exceeding distress of Thy soul; for the anxiety and dread, which, in the weakness of Thy human Nature, taken upon Thee of Thy own free will for our sakes, Thou didst feel, when, as the hour of Thy betrayal drew nigh, Thou didst begin to be fearful and very sad. Nor didst Thou think shame of confessing this sadness to Thy disciples, for Thou saidst : “My soul is sorrowful even unto death.” O wondrous dispensation of God ! Thou, the Lord of all power, Who but a short while since hadst given strength to Thy disciples for the strife, dost now bear Thyself as One Who is weak, and wanting in strength and courage.
And all this Thou didst undergo in order the more perfectly to comfort us in weakness and faint heartedness, lest perchance some one of us, when sorely tempted, should despair of pardon or salvation; for if such an one should feel himself less cheerful than he should be under suffering, less brave than he should be, in enduring trials of the flesh, he may still be able to say that which Thou art recorded to have said: u Nevertheless not as I will, but as Thou wilt.”
O most loving Jesus, my only hope in every trouble and distress, make me, I pray Thee, to ponder with a heart full of compassion, the sorrowful beginning of this Thy blessed Passion, and from this sad prelude to go on by degrees to meditate upon the still more bitter parts of it, that so I may be able, from each several part, to gather for the wounds of my soul some healing medicine.
Grant that I may bear with patient courage, for the glory of Thy Name, whatever troubles may be awaiting me, that I may never fall into despair, no matter how severe the tribulation may be, but may in all things resign myself to the good pleasure of Thy Divine Providence.” Thomas a Kempis