Posted on July 30, 2023 View all news
The month of August is devoted to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. And we celebrate the feast of Mary’s assumption into heaven on August 15. May we pray without ceasing that her Immaculate Heart will soon triumph! I entrust our churches and families to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us! Please also be sure to remember that August 15 is the Feast of the Assumption. This is a Holy Day of Obligation, so be sure to check for the Mass schedule!
As we continue with the Beacons of Light process, we are in the position to proceed with the merger that the Archbishop envisions for each of the families. I have addressed this via my sermons this summer, and the feedback has generally been positive. I challenge everyone on how they can be involved in the parish? Without you and your involvement, doing anything would not be easy. We each have a role to play in the life of the Church. We have an excellent foundation to build on, but we must always be building to pass the torch on to future generations.
I challenge everyone to consider any special talent or trade you may have to be willing to share that with the parish. I also challenge each of you to ensure that you are involved somehow. We are commuting churches, making operating like a normal parish difficult. However, there are ways for everyone to be involved somehow, whether through your prayer, volunteer work, or just being present and knowing one another. Adoration can always use more adorers. Our choir can always also use more skilled voices. Help cleaning the churches is also necessary, and we can use more help from experienced volunteers on many maintenance needs. Polishing the items used in the sanctuary is an essential thing that needs to be done often. And, of course, there is always the decorating for our major holy days. Lastly,
we can always use more Altar boys/men for our 11:30 Sunday German Mass, 1:00 Sunday English Mass, and Monday and Saturday daily Mass. That help to get things set up and cleaned up for Mass, and someone just helping during Mass is essential. Beacons of Light wants to ensure we cover these things, so I am asking for your help in various ways as you can.
You will continue to hear more about these things. The priests can’t do everything alone, but we can hand these gems to future generations together.
Lastly, we are looking for suggestions for the new parish name! To submit your ideas, go to or Suggestions must be received by August 31. The top ten will be presented to Parish and Finance Council, which will recommend five to me.
As we introduced in mid-July, we welcome Stephen, Connor, and Benjamin as postulants (guestship) to the Oratory. Please remember that they are very much at the beginning of their formation and need room to adapt to the Oratorian life. They also need space to grow in virtue, prayer, and general formation. Certainly, be friendly and strike up a conversation when you see them. However, please be sure to respect any boundaries and not place them in situations or conversations that would be inappropriate to their position. I appreciate your cooperation! Please remember them in your daily prayers and for all those discerning the Oratorian life.
Have a blessed month!