Posted on December 15, 2019 View all news
Laudetur Jesus Christus! Gelobt sei Jesus Christus! Sia lodato Gesù Cristo! Praised be Jesus Christ!
The past Sunday, we consecrated the parishes to the Blessed Virgin. Please be sure to pray to her daily, that she ask her Son to intercede for us, keep our parishes holy, and ultimately lead us to God in the life to come! Thank you to everyone who prepared themselves for this day and also consecrated themselves.
I encourage everyone to attend this Wednesday Musical Oratory of Advent at 6:30 p.m. This is a favorite evening of Advent hymns, motets, and reflection on the coming of the Lord. Focused around the prophets and the promise of the redeemer, we will conclude with Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. Please see the subsequent pages of the bulletin for our Christmas schedule. Please also note the announcements for cleaning and decorating at both Old St. Mary’s and Sacred Heart!!
Please note that this coming Saturday, December 21, is the tenth anniversary of the succession of Archbishop Schnurr as the Archbishop of Cincinnati. Please be sure to offer prayers for him that he may continue to be faithful to the Apostolic mandate given to him as a successor to the Apostles! Ad multos annos!
Please keep a watch out soon for both the yearly envelopes and also our 2020 parish calendar. Please pick both up in the back of the church when you see them available!
Some good news for parking at Old St. Mary’s. I am happy to report that we have entered into an agreement with Urban Sites to help alleviate our parking needs. We will more than double, possibly triple our Sunday parking capacity. This did require us to also make our lots available to them in the evenings and weekends when we do not otherwise use them. They will also be making a monthly payment to us for this use and will see to their care and treatment in the winter months. This may take some adjustments on our part, and we may have some bumps at first, but in the end, this is a good deal for the parish. More information will be forthcoming soon.
Also, please be sure to keep all of our candidates who are studying to become Catholic or complete Sacraments in your prayers. Recently, one of our candidates was received into the Church. In total, we have nine candidates. They meet on Tuesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. If you know anyone who would like to know more about the Faith and possibly become Catholic, have them contact the office or bring them to class!
Finally, several people have been inquiring about the past few months about my health. I wanted to let everyone know that my weight loss has been intentional, and as far as I know, I am not sick. My doctor advised me to lose weight this past January, as he did the year before, and the year before that. So I decided to take him up on his offer this time around. I wanted to ensure that I remain healthy for years to come. Thank you for your concern!
Have a blessed week ahead!