Father’s Column Easter Sunday

Posted on April 5, 2015 View all news

Laudetur Jesus Christus!
Gelobt sei Jesus Christus!
Praised be Jesus Christ!

Christ is Risen! Indeed He is Risen! I wish each of you have a very Happy Easter/Frohe Ostern! A special welcome to all of those who are visiting us here at Old St. Mary’s during on this most holy day. When Adam and Eve committed their sin, turning themselves and their children away from God, He promised not to leave us as orphans. He promised that one day He would send to us a savior, who would recreate humanity in the image of God.

In the fullness of time, God sent to us His son. Christ could have redeemed us by the very fact that He adopted human nature, but Christ desired more. He desired to show exactly how much He loved us, and so He suffered the most painful and humiliating death. However, He died so that death would not have the final word any more. He died so that the Devil would no longer hold dominion over us, tempting us with his sweet temptations that lead to eternal suffering.

Christ has shown us the way to eternal joy, and that path is riddled with pain and suffering. However, Christ shows that no longer will that pain and suffering have the final word. Rather, He has shown us the glory of His Resurrection. So even though he suffered the pain of the Cross, He has shown us what awaits us as He has risen from the dead!

As we go into our celebrations today, remembering the Feast of Feasts and Solemnity of Solemnities, may we recall the events of this past week. May we never forget what our Savior suffered for us and may we never forget what he has offered us. Through the Sacraments, we are able to continue to participate in his act of redemption, when He continues to offer Himself to us, especially in the Eucharist. He desires that we all become saints, this is what He died for. He does not desire only a select few to become saints, but He truly does desire each and everyone one of us to become saints. May we strive to continue the good we began in Lent, and continue on this path of sanctity now so that we too can rise with Christ on the last day.
