Posted on February 14, 2021 View all news
Laudetur Jesus Christus! Gelobt sei Jesus Christus!
Sia lodato Gesù Cristo! Praised be Jesus Christ!
As a note from last week, please remember that Bro. Brent and Bro. Henry will be ordained to the priesthood on March 19 at 5:30 p.m. at Old St. Mary’s. Mass will be a Latin Novus Ordo Mass. Seating is being limited, and reservations are required in advance due to the limited seating. This will be a first-come, first-serve basis. You can reserve by either calling the parish office or by visiting While the Bishop is with us for the ordination, we are also asking that all requests from the Governor and the Archbishop be especially observed. So please plan accordingly. Bro. Brent and Bro. Henry will offer their First Solemn Mass on April 11 and April 18 at Old St. Mary’s, respectively. They will offer public low Masses on March 20 following the ordination. There will be no reception following the ordination, but there will be a reception at some point in the summer. They will, however, offer their first priestly blessings following the ordination Mass.
While they will begin to assist with the Mass schedule following Easter, Bro. Brent and Bro. Henry will continue to be students until May. Any new assignments worked out between the Oratory, and the Archdiocese will not go into effect until July 1. We have not begun these conversations at this time. It is unclear to me how the current study of all the parishes of the Archdiocese for the reconfiguration will affect these conversations. I hope these things become clearer in the coming weeks. I am sure the Brothers would appreciate your prayers and sacrifices over this next month as they prepare for ordination.
The Brothers will be on retreat from March 1 until March 5. Fr. Joseph Tuscan, O.F.M. Cap. will be offering the retreat. Fr. Joseph will then stay with us a few extra days to deliver a parish mission. Details are forthcoming on that, but please mark down March 7 until March 9 for the mission. Fr. Tuscan will offer Mass at Sacred Heart on March 7.
Lastly, I would like everyone to take this time to again evaluate how you are receiving Communion. Not just in your preparation with prior Confession, arriving to Mass early, and a thanksgiving after Mass, but also in how you are physically receiving Communion. I would encourage everyone to consider in particular how you are putting out your tongue to receive. It is not always easy to place the Host on the tongue of some because of the manner they put their tongue out. So I would kindly ask you to evaluate this. If done correctly, giving Communion on the tongue is easier and we are less likely to touch the Communicant than even Communion in the hand. Thank you for your reflection on this!
Please be sure to mark all these things down on your calendar now. Have a blessed week ahead!