Posted on February 21, 2021 View all news
Laudetur Jesus Christus! Gelobt sei Jesus Christus!
Sia lodato Gesù Cristo! Praised be Jesus Christ!
One topic that I have meant to clarify for some time regards the priest assignments in the parish. We are blessed to have four priests who can say Mass between our parishes. However, I am the only one with a full-time assignment between both of them. Fr. Adrian’s full-time position is Christ Hospital and the County Jail. Fr. DeLange and Fr. Berscheid are both retired priests who love to be able to assist us when they are able and needed. It is only with the arrangement that I have been able to keep things up as I have been able. Without the help from the retired priests and Fr. Adrian’s assistance on Sundays, Fridays, and Holy Days, the schedule we currently have would not be possible.
So I wanted to take this time to publicly thank them on behalf of the parish for their generosity so that we are able to keep what we have. Their assistance is without value. While I recognize everyone has a preference for this or that priest, or this or that sermon or sermon length, I hope that we can all appreciate the gift that we do have. Since I am not a saint and certainly can’t bilocate, many more sacrifices would have had to be made without them. So please be sure to pray for them in your daily prayers. When things don’t seem perfect or meet your expectations, remember what things could be like without the extra help.
Just a reminder that Bro. Brent and Bro. Henry will be ordained to the priesthood on March 19 at 5:30 p.m. at Old St. Mary’s. Seating is being limited, and reservations are required in advance due to the limited seating. This will be a first-come, first-serve basis. We are currently full on reservations, but are keeping a wait list. If you reserved and can no longer make it, please be sure to let us know so someone else can take your place!
While the Bishop is with us for the ordination, we are also asking that all requests from the Governor and the Archbishop be especially observed. So please plan accordingly. Bro. Brent and Bro. Henry will offer their First Solemn Mass on April 11 and April 18 at Old St. Mary’s, respectively. They will offer public low Masses on March 20 following the ordination. There will be no reception following the ordination, but there will be a reception at some point in the summer. They will, however, offer their first priestly blessings following the ordination Mass.
Lastly, a reminder about the Holy Land Pilgrimage. It is tentatively schedule for November 3 through November 12, 2021. I am not going to accept any reservations or deposits until we are clear on what the situation will be this Fall. If you are interested, please drop me a note to add you to my list to keep updated. We will need to have everything finalized in the late summer. Please save up your money in the meantime. If there are still excessive restrictions, the trip will either be delayed again or canceled. If you would like a brochure, please also send me an email.
Please be sure to mark all these things down on your calendar now. Have a blessed week ahead!