Father’s Column – February 24, 2020

Posted on January 24, 2021 View all news

Laudetur Jesus Christus! Gelobt sei Jesus Christus!
Sia lodato Gesù Cristo! Praised be Jesus Christ!

Today on the revised calendar, and this Friday on the traditional calendar, we celebrate St. Francis de Sales’ Feast. St. Francis de Sales is the Archdiocese principal patron and a co-patron of the Cincinnati Oratory. We remember each in our prayers on his feast day. In particular, we ask for his intercession that the Archdiocese and the Oratory will be as effective in the preaching of the Gospel and the living of a sanctified life!

As we move through the Winter Season, it is important that we maintain our vigilance regarding Covid-19. A reminder, you should be informed regarding the orders from the Governor as well as the Archbishop. Masks remain required in public spaces, and social distancing is to be practiced. At this time, the indoor social spaces are closed.

Covid-19 is slowly making its way around the parishes. I am aware of several individuals and families who have contracted the virus. For this reason, I began to crack down on certain practices and limit indoor socializing. I am asking for your continued cooperation. I further remind you that there should be no gathering in front of the church buildings, and prudence must be at the forefront of what you do. I try very hard to keep things as normal as we can under the circumstances, but we also have to make some sacrifices in the meantime.

Thus far, those who have contracted the virus have done everything they should have. They stayed at home and ensured they got better before returning to their everyday lives. I thank them for doing this. This is a reminder to each of us that when we are sick, we should stay isolated. While some do not get dangerously ill, some do. I can attest, and Fr. Adrian to a far greater degree, that the hospitals at this point are full of Covid-19 patients. Many are elderly and/or have other underlying issues. For some others, it can’t be explained why they reacted the way that they did. Our Lord teaches us that we are to look after the least among, so remember that while you may have a robust immune system, not everyone does. I try to treat others as I would hope others would treat my parents.

Lastly, someone has donated masks to both parishes. I thank them for the donation, and we have set them out in Church if you require one. Please be sure to offer a prayer for this individual.

I know it is easy to have Covid fatigue. It has also been highly politicized. But may we all allow right reason, prudence, and proper precaution to be our guide. Life certainly has to go on, but we are all able to make a sacrifice here or there for the common good. Have a blessed week ahead!