Posted on February 4, 2018 View all news
Laudetur Jesus Christus! Gelobt sei Jesus Christus!
Sia lodato Gesù Cristo! Praised be Jesus Christ!
Today begins the pledging campaign for the Archbishop’s Catholic Ministries Appeal. I encourage each parishioner at both of our parishes to participate. This goes to support important ministries that the Local Church offers for our benefit.
In a particular way, we benefit from the support of the seminary, St. Rita’s School for the Deaf, and this appeal’s support for those priests workings in our hospitals and jails. Obviously on the last point, we have our own Fr. Adrian and Fr. Hans working at Christ Hospital and University Hospital to ensure that those who are dying have the Last Sacraments provided to them. Fr. Adrian also works at the Hamilton County Jail, fulfilling Our Lord’s command, as well as a Corporal Work of Mercy, to minister to the imprisoned.
I ask you to support this campaign. The Archbishop has been very generous to both of our parishes. Without him allowing the Oratory to be established, our parishes would not have priests to staff them and many sacrifices would have been asked of us. Many parishes, some much larger than us, do not have even one priest half of the time. Which also should demonstrate to us the importance of also supporting the Archbishop in his promotion of vocations to the priesthood, so that we may continue to have the Sacraments provided to us by worthy ministers of the Altar. To show our gratitude, we should pray for the Archbishop daily, and strive to support his work and causes when we are able.
In the past, there were at times efforts and collections that you have been asked to support that you found questionable. I can assure you that the Catholic Ministries Appeal supports the Local Church and provides funding only for the New Evangelization, the Seminary, Hospital and Prison Ministry, Retired Priests, and Catholic Charities. There is nothing questionable in supporting these particular causes.
Some of you may have already received a mailing at home. If you have, please be sure to check that the parish ID matches our parishes ID’s. Old St. Mary’s ID is 1841 while Sacred Heart’s is 721. The goal for Old St. Mary’s is $17,154. The goal for Sacred Heart is $7,962. If you have not already received a mailing at home, please find envelopes in the pews today. Please consider making a donation!
On behalf of the Archbishop, I thank you for your prayers and financial support. The Archbishop is the light of the Apostles for us, carrying out the Apostolic mandate given to all bishops. Please continue to pray for him, and the Holy Father, daily. The devil certainly desires that they fail in the mandate given to them. But through our prayers, we can help them be faithful shepherds!