Posted on July 15, 2018 View all news
Laudetur Jesus Christus! Gelobt sei Jesus Christus!
Sia lodato Gesù Cristo! Praised be Jesus Christ!
Just a reminder that today is our parish picnic! Please don’t forget your side dish! The picnic will begin at 3:00 p.m. Please note that it is being held at the Kolping Center this year, and NOT at the Donauschwaben Club. The Kolping Center is located at: 10235 W Mill Rd. / Cincinnati, OH 45231. We are looking forward to seeing everyone there!
This upcoming week we celebrate the Feast Day of St. Vincent de Paul. We may not be completely familiar with him, but we are aware of the legacy that he began because of the organization that bears his name. He was very well known for his care for the poor. Charity is rooted in the love of God. All are obviously deserving of our charity, but chief among these are the poor. St. John tells us in his epistle that if we cannot love what we see, how can we love what we do not see? (1 John 4:20). It was this supremacy of charity that has led to the Church establishing hospitals, schools, food banks, and other institutions all around the world.
St. Vincent de Paul took this to heart, and worked tirelessly for the poor, to ease their material needs and also to teach them of the goodness of God. Please find this short biography, from the Roman Breviary, on St. Vincent de Paul. May we do well to model what we can from his life, in our own charity. Striving everyday to ease the spiritual & material poverty of those around us, and throughout the whole world. Have a blessed week ahead!
“From his very boyhood, Vincent de Paul, born at Pouy in Gascony, was remarkable for his great charity toward the poor. Called from the care of his father’s flock to the study of letters and then ordained to the priesthood, he fell into the hands of the Turks, who took him captive into Africa. With his master, an apostate whom he had won back to the faith of Christ, he escaped and went back to France. In the parishes entrusted to him and then as chaplain of the galleys, he zealously undertook the work of the salvation of souls. As diréctor of the Visitation nuns for about forty years, he governed them most wisely. Even in his old age, he worked untiringly for the evangelization of the poor, especially of those who lived in the country. He had founded a Congregation under the name of the Secular Priests of the Missions, and he bound them to this apostolic work by a perpetual vow confirmed by the Holy See. He established many associations for seeking out and aiding the unfortunate and for the education of girls. At length, worn out by bodily mortification, labours and old age, he peacefully fell asleep in the Lord in the year of salvation 1660. Famous for his miracles, he was placed among the Saints by Clement XII, and Leo XIII declared and appointed him the special heavenly patron of all charitable associations in the whole Catholic world which trace their origin in some way to him.” – The Roman Breviary