Posted on June 30, 2019 View all news
Laudetur Jesus Christus! Gelobt sei Jesus Christus!
Sia lodato Gesù Cristo! Praised be Jesus Christ!
It is with sadness that we bid farewell to Fr. Lawrence today. We thank him for his many years of service to Old St. Mary’s, and we wish him well in all of his future endeavors. Please be sure to often remember him in your prayers, especially for this work in ensuring that our parishes were able to remain open. May God grant Fr. Lawrence many more blessed years.
It is also with sadness that we bid Jane Pitocco farewell this past week as well. Jane decided not to accept the new position or to apply for the Administrative Assistant position. I thank Jane for all her hard work the roughly past year and a half. She was a good person and worker to have around. I wish her luck in all of her future endeavors!
Joann Dobler will be remaining on and has accepted a newly revised position. So I thank Joann also for her patience and flexibility during this time of transition. Please note that Joann will be away from the office for a few weeks on vacation.
We have received many exceptional resumes for the new Administrative Assistant position. A few have already been interviewed with a few more early this upcoming week. We hope to make a decision midweek, and the person to start as soon as they are able. Please keep us in your prayers during this process! New office hours will be announced at the conclusion of this process. Please stay tuned for that. In the meantime, the office at Sacred Heart is closed.
I would also like to thank everyone who has helped with our special Masses and socials the past few weeks. From Corpus Christi, to the Feast of the Sacred Heart, to St. John the Baptist, and Fr. Lawrence’s farewell reception. Thank you to each of you for your time and work!
Please also be sure to be aware of the new parish schedules that will go into effect tomorrow. Change is never easy, but I thank all of those who have been supportive these past few weeks. We still offer much more than regular parishes that share a priest, and I am grateful for what has been maintained. Please support us and offer to volunteer, we will need the help all the more now! Please also keep myself and Fr. Adrian in your prayers as we continue to minister to those that we have been assigned. Finally, be sure to also pray for Bro. Brent and Bro. Henry, for their perseverance in their studies and formation, that they may become good and holy priests in due time. We have had several good prospective visitors lately. Please also pray for good and holy vocations to the Oratory, as these will also be your future priests as well. Even if you don’t know them, you can still pray for them now!
Things will slow down considerably for the rest of the summer. Please note the special schedule for the Fourth of July this Thursday. Also, please be sure to mark down the date of the Parish Picnic now, I hope as many people as possible will be able to join us. Please see the sign-ups near the bulletins (at Old St. Mary’s) or in the center vestibule (at Sacred Heart) to sign up. It is helpful to have an accurate count to plan for food. Thank you again to all for your support and have a blessed week!