Posted on March 11, 2018 View all news
Laudetur Jesus Christus! Gelobt sei Jesus Christus!
Sia lodato Gesù Cristo! Praised be Jesus Christ!
This is just a reminder, for those at Sacred Heart, that our Italian Dinner is coming up quickly on March 25. We are in need of many volunteers to help make this another success. To volunteer, please contact the parish office. I have also seen many Old St. Mary’s people volunteer over the years, you are all welcome to volunteer as well!
Remember that the dinner is Palm Sunday, March 25. Carryouts begin around 10:00 a.m. The dining hall will begin serving dinners around noon. We go until we run out! Make it a point to put this on your calendar now!
Today is Laetare Sunday, a short respite of joy during our Lent. Hopefully, we have remained faithful to our Lenten observance thus far. If not, I encourage you not to give up, but to begin again! Find our Holy Week schedules on the subsequent pages of the bulletin. Finally, please find this reflection on the Passion by Thomas a Kempis. Have a blessed week ahead!
“How pleasing and dear to God is that soul, and how fruitful will his meditations be, in which he inwardly suffers the pains of Jesus’ passion, is wounded to the heart by His wounds, and by reflecting on his death experiences a love-death with Him…
Most gracious Lord Jesus, I ask you, who in your vast love deigned to pray for your enemies, to pray with that same love for me to the Father that He grant me full pardon for all my sins and mercifully free me from the punishment I deserve for them. Grant me a firm and abiding trust in your love, that I yield not to despair because of the greatness of my sins, rather that I remember that you have come into this world to save sinners and that it was your will to suffer, to be crucified, and to die for the sinful…
Lord, let my soul rejoice in you and find joy in your salvation, as I reflect on your most consoling words, your second utterance from the Cross, “Amen I say to you, this day you will be with me in paradise”. May these words, more tender because they came from you as you hung on your Cross, be often on my lips and still more often in my heart. Words addressed to me from the lips of my crucified Lord are most endearing and eloquent, and for this reason they merit more serious attention and profound reflection…
Let meditating on Jesus Christ and Him crucified be your daily prayer. Keep Jesus always before your eyes and keep ever near the foot of His Cross. Whether in life or death, enter the tomb with Jesus so that when Christ, who is your life, shall appear again, you will rise with Him in glory. Amen.” – Thomas a Kempis