Posted on May 13, 2018 View all news
Laudetur Jesus Christus! Gelobt sei Jesus Christus!
Sia lodato Gesù Cristo! Praised be Jesus Christ!
I, first of all, wish each of our mothers a very Happy Mother’s Day. The gift that you give to each of us goes without saying. Please be sure to pray for your mother today, in thanksgiving for all that she has given. Pray for those who have gone before us, and those who remain here among that. That hopefully they will be living images of the Holy Mother of God, the Virgin Mary!
We completed our Catechism year this past Tuesday. Thank you to each teacher, helper, participant. Learning about our faith is very important. It is a lifelong occasion, as we can never know everything about our Faith and God. God the highest good, the truest, and the most beautiful of beings. Be sure to learn as much as you can about Him in this life so that you can model yourself after Him, know what He expects of us, and learn how to get to Heaven!
Today is our traditional May Crowning. We crown Mary as the Queen during May in gratitude for her freely becoming the Mother of God. Be sure to be devoted to her always, but especially during May. A time when we remember and give thanks for our mothers, and a time when we should remember and give thanks for the Mother of God!
I would like to congratulate Bro. Brent Stull, who on May 3 was ‘aggregated’ into the Cincinnati Oratory. With this step, he becomes an official member of the Oratory, can attend our General Congregation meetings and receives the C.O. (Congregation of the Oratory) post-nominal after his name. This step is similar to the step taken by those who make temporary vows with a Religious Order. Congratulations Brother Brent!
We return to the subject that we have been focusing, the importance of praying for priests and the vocations to the priesthood. You may notice that there are many Masses this time of year being said for the intention of individual priests. That is because this time of year is when Ordinations to the Priesthood generally occur. Be sure to pray for your priests, especially in this time, so that the Lord will make them into his own image.
Some questions arose about the Oratory column from a few weeks. To clarify, that when we have our meals, they are taken in silence. There is no general conversation in the midst of the dinner. We do have what is called table reading. Each person, at their appointed turn, takes turns reading out loud from various books, including the Gospels, the Martyrology (the martyrs and saints who died on a particular day), the daily Maxim of St. Philip Neri, and a rotating book. This is done for the edification of all, but also because our meals are a continuation of our prayer. This helps to aid contemplation.
This is a continuation of our prayers because our prayers are generally two 30 minute periods of mental prayer. This gives us a chance to consider the mystery of God, pray for those who have asked or need our prayers, and to have silence in this often noisy world.
Have a blessed week ahead!