Posted on May 15, 2021 View all news
Laudetur Jesus Christus! Gelobt sei Jesus Christus!
Sia lodato Gesù Cristo! Praised be Jesus Christ!
I, first of all, congratulate Fr. Edward Hoffmann on his ordination to the priesthood yesterday (Saturday, May 15) at the Cathedral. I pray that the Lord blesses his priesthood with much fruit. Fr. Hoffmann will offer his First Mass at Sacred Heart today (Sunday, May 16) at 11:00 a.m. Fr. Hoffmann will be assigned to an Archdiocesan parish by the Archbishop before ultimately going on to be an Army chaplain in a few years.
I can also reveal now that Fr. Brent and Fr. Henry have been appointed parochial vicars to Old St. Mary’s and Sacred Heart. At this time, we haven’t been asked to assume any further responsibility in the Archdiocese, but I do ask that we keep in mind that the parish study is ongoing. I will be investigating some changes to our schedules over the next few weeks to go into effect Labor Day weekend. As the Archdiocese is now looking to slim to the Sunday Mass offerings and Sunday changes need to be approved, the Sunday Mass schedule will not change. So I will not be looking at adding Sunday Masses at this time. Another principle I will follow is that we will continue to not have similar competing events, devotions, or Masses simultaneously between our parishes. If we are ultimately asked to take on another assignment, I will again look at the schedule and make any appropriate changes at that time. The new assignments take effect July 1.
I do ask that you consider how blessed we are to be able to have this opportunity. Parishes much larger than us often share just one priest. So, even if you would do things differently if in charge, please recognize this gift we have been given.
This Sunday is the final Sunday for our regular bulletin as we have known it. Next Sunday, we will move to a monthly newsletter for the major announcements and a one-page weekly bulletin for just Mass Intentions. I thank those who assisted me in developing our format, and I look forward to hopefully communicating important news and events to the parish in a more efficient manner. The web pages between the parishes and the Oratory will be finished being updated sometime in the coming weeks.
I have failed over the past few weeks to thank those who helped us prepare for the ordination (in March and now in May) for Holy Week, Easter, First Communion, and May Crowning. Thank you to everyone who cleaned, polished, help set up, serve, or otherwise assisted in any way. Thank you!
Next Sunday is Pentecost Sunday, and we will have Solemn Vespers at 3:30 p.m. The 9:30 a.m. Mass will be a Solemn Mass. We will also chant or recite the Veni Creator after all Masses, as this carries a plenary indulgence on Pentecost when recited or chanted in Church. This is under the usual conditions of prayers for the Holy Father’s intentions, detachment from all sin, Sacramental Confession, and the reception of Holy Communion. Make sure to keep this in mind this week!
I wish each of you a very blessed week. It is a joyous day for our parishes. Please tell God thank you this week for the blessing He has bestowed upon us. God Bless!