Posted on May 5, 2019 View all news
Laudetur Jesus Christus! Gelobt sei Jesus Christus!
Sia lodato Gesù Cristo! Praised be Jesus Christ!
Congratulations to all those who have received Sacraments the past few weeks; from Baptism, to First Communion, to the Sacrament of Confirmation. Congratulations to all! I also would like to thank Bishop Slattery for making the long journey back to Cincinnati to Confirm our young adults earlier this week. I also thank all those who helped in any way to make all these things possible. The Sacraments are very important to us because they give us grace and assist us in getting to Heaven. Our care for them hopefully shows the importance they hold for us.
This coming Tuesday is the final day of catechism for our children. Catechism ended last week for our adults. Catechism will return in the Fall. Thank you to all those who taught and for the families who made the sacrifice to be with us each week.
Things begin to slow down in the parish from here for the summer, though this remains a feast filled time. We still have the Feast of St. Philip Neri, the Ascension, Pentecost, Trinity Sunday, Corpus Christi, the Feast of St. John the Baptist, and the Feast of the Sacred Heart coming up. These Feasts help us to sanctify time and edify us, that there is something better beyond this valley of tears. Please be sure to watch the bulletin as these Feasts come and do your best to attend the Vespers, Masses, and Processions associated with them.
This is the time of year that we begin to think of Christ as the Good Shepherd. Please find this reflection from St. Gregory the Great. Have a blessed week ahead!
“Dearly beloved brethren, ye have heard from the Holy Gospel what is at once your instruction, and our danger. Behold, how He Who, not by the varying gifts of nature, but of the very essence of His being, is Good, behold how He saith: I am the Good Shepherd. And then He saith what is the character of His goodness, even of that goodness of His which we must strive to copy: The Good Shepherd giveth His life for the Sheep. As He had foretold, even so did He; as He had commanded, so gave He example. The Good Shepherd gave His life for the sheep, and made His Own Body and His Own Blood to be our Sacramental Food, pasturing upon His Own Flesh the sheep whom He had bought.
He, by despising death, hath shown us how to do the like; He hath set before us the mould wherein it behoveth us to be cast. Our first duty is, freely and tenderly to spend our outward things for His sheep, but lastly, if need be, to serve the same by our death also. From the light offering of the first, we go on to the stern offering of the last, and, if we be ready to give our life for the sheep, why should we scruple to give our substance, seeing how much more is the life than meat? Matth. vi. 25. Antiphon at the Song of Zacharias. I am the Shepherd of the sheep: * I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life: I am the Good Shepherd, and know My sheep, and am known of Mine. Alleluia, Alleluia.” – St. Gregory the Great