Posted on October 14, 2018 View all news
Laudetur Jesus Christus! Gelobt sei Jesus Christus!
Sia lodato Gesù Cristo! Praised be Jesus Christ!
I would, first of all, like to welcome the Donauschwaben to Old St. Mary’s for their annual Mass and the Cincinnati Kirchweih Mass. Please know you are always welcome to Old St. Mary’s!
Today is also the biannual collection for the seminarians of the Oratory. Please remember that these are your future priests. The cost of their education, room & board, and health insurance is over $30,000 each. The Oratory is 100% responsible for these costs and we receive no assistance from the Archdiocese or any discount. We take these collections to assist with these costs. Thank you very much for your generosity!
Next Sunday is our bi-annual Italian Dinner at Sacred Heart. Carry out begins at 10:00 a.m. and the dining room opens at 12:00 noon. There will be an additional Mass (English) at 7:30 a.m. for any volunteer or parishioner who wishes to come. This is a big fundraiser for the parish, so please do your best to support the dinner by coming out to eat, volunteering, and praying for good weather! Thank you to all who have worked so hard to make this a great success!
The Oratory Banquet is coming up at the end of the month on October 29. The evening begins at 5:30 p.m. with a social followed by dinner and the program at 6:45 p.m. The discounted rate for reservations ended yesterday, but we can continue the discounted rate of $60 per person until Wednesday. To reserve, please visit: This is the Oratories only major fundraiser, which goes to help assist in the cost of the house and other events. So please come out. If you can’t make it, donations can also be made at the above address.
October is one of our busiest months, as you can see. Between all of this, Forty Hours is at the end of the month, and then All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day. I would like to thank everyone for their support and assistance, with the events coming but also with the events that have already happened. The Mass for St. Therese was well attended as usual, as we honor this saint so dear to so many. The Musical Oratory of the Blessed Virgin Mary was a bit sparse in attendance this year but is still an important way to honor Our Lady as we begin this month of the Rosary. The Holy Name men’s Eucharistic Procession held yesterday is always an essential witness to the people of Over-the-Rhine and Downtown. Thank you to each and all who helped or attended any or all of these important events.
Even though October is very busy, it is a grace-filled busy as we seek to given honor to God, recall the memory of the saints, and work to secure our future. May we continue to place our trust in God and work for the building up of His kingdom here on earth. If we allow Him, God can use each of us to do great things, so that more people know and honor His name. Please remember us in your prayers and be assured of our prayers for you.
Have a blessed week ahead!