Posted on October 7, 2018 View all news
Laudetur Jesus Christus! Gelobt sei Jesus Christus!
Sia lodato Gesù Cristo! Praised be Jesus Christ!
Today is the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. To give honor to Our Lady, later this afternoon at 4:30 p.m., we will have our Musical Oratory of the Blessed Virgin Mary, please be sure to come out and pray with us during the month of the Rosary!
Next Sunday both parishes will have a second collection for our seminarian fund. Each seminarian costs about $30,000 per year, when you take education, room & board, and medical expenses into account. As I have pointed out in the past, these are your future priests. They will not serve in other distant parishes but will remain a part of the Oratory. So please support them in their education. They do not receive funding from the Archdiocese for their education or expenses, but the Oratory itself is entirely responsible. So please be generous in supporting your future priests, those who will ensure that we continue to have access to the Sacraments in both of these beautiful churches. Thank you for your support!
On October 21, Sacred Heart will have its Fall Italian Dinner. We are in need of many more volunteers to help with the dinner. This helps to raise the money that is needed to keep Sacred Heart paying its bills, so please come out in support. We can use volunteers particularly on the day of the dinner. Please contact the parish office if you can help, even if just for an hour or two!
Volunteers and help are always one of the struggles of parish life. We live in two different types of parishes, just because people primarily drive in to attend Mass here. They are not neighborhood parishes, strictly speaking. However, that doesn’t mean that we don’t need the help. We try to keep the expenses low at both churches, by not having large staffs to help with the care of the parishes. This means, however, that we need your help! We can’t do this alone.
We can always use help for events like the Italian Dinner at Sacred Heart or the Fish Fry at Old St. Mary’s. The Pregnancy Center is always in need of help, to spread the vital message of the value of human life. We need help keeping the churches and the grounds clean. We need help with the socials that we put on. Most importantly, we need help from the altar boys, our choirs, our vestments and linens, flower preparation, ushers, and in our Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament.
There are many ways to help, and we certainly need the help. The parishes do not belong to any one person or group, but to each person who belongs to them. If you haven’t previously helped out much and can do so, please consider it! The faith can’t just be a passive experience; we will never progress in the perfection we are called to if that is how we pass life. So please ask yourself what you can do for your parish and be generous when you can. From dusting the pews to assisting at the Altar, there is much to be done to ensure that we are able to carry on the mission given to us by Christ. Have a blessed week ahead!