Posted on May 4, 2024 View all news
As we enter the month of May, the month of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we enter the feast filled period of the Church’s liturgical year. Having celebrated the great day of Easter nearly forty days ago, we are preparing to celebrate the Feast of the Ascension. Shortly after this, we celebrate the second greatest feast on the Churchʼs calendar, Pentecost Sunday. Just after this, we move into Trinity Sunday, the Feast of St. Philip Neri, and Corpus Christi. Later in June, we have the Feast of the Sacred Heart, the Feast of St. John the Baptist, and the Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul.
Living the Faith also means living the liturgical life at home. So, do well in preparing for these major feasts through the preparatory novenas, by reading reflections on the upcoming feasts, by planning celebrations, and by attending Mass on these major feast days. The Church gives us times for fasting and time for celebrating, and this month of May will be one of those times of celebrating the great mysteries of our Faith that have wrought our salvation.
In particular, please pay special attention to the Feast of St. Philip Neri, the founder of the Congregation of the Oratory. Without St. Philip, the Oratory would not be here to look after the well-being of both Old St. Mary and Sacred Heart. We each owe him gratitude for founding such a Congregation within the Church. His feast is usually on May 26, but due to Trinity Sunday, it is transferred to the next available day, Monday, May 27. This also happens to be Memorial Day, a day that we ought to show our gratitude for those men and women who made the ultimate sacrifice that could enjoy the freedoms that we do. So join us for Solemn Mass that morning at 9:30 a.m. and celebrate the great St. Philip and pray for the souls of those veterans who sacrificed their lives. A social will follow Mass.
Lastly, be sure to continue to pray for the perseverance of priests and for vocations to the priesthood. This is why we celebrate the Votive Mass of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Eternal High Priest on the first Thursday of the month and the Votive Mass of the Sacred Heart on the first Friday of the month. Without priests, we would not have the Sacraments. These intentions should be in our daily prayers, and especially on the first Thursday and Friday of the month. Pray these intentions especially for the Oratory. That as the Oratory grows in greater stability, we can be assured of the stability of our churches. And may St. Philip, and especially the Blessed Virgin, bring these things to fruition. Have a blessed month ahead!