Posted on March 3, 2015 View all news
Join the Community-in-Formation and the parishioners of Old St. Mary’s for our annual Lenten Series. This year we gather in Fr. Felten Hall on Tuesday evenings at 6pm. We begin with soup and bread before having a discussion on the Virtues at 6:30 pm. Last week we discussed Virtue in general. Today we will discuss the Cardinal Virtues followed by the Theological Virtues the following week. Our final gathering will be on March 17 when we will discuss how to live and grow in the virtues. We have Stations of the Cross a little after 7:00 pm followed by an opportunity for the Sacrament of Penance. Please join us!
What: Lenten Series on Virtue, soup and bread provided
When: February 24, March 3, March 10, and March 17.
Where: Old St. Mary’s Church (Fr. Felten Hall and then the Church)
Why: Lent if the perfect time to grow not just in natural virtue, but in supernatural virtue by uniting ourselves closer to Christ.
If there is harmony within ourselves, there is harmony in our families. If there is harmony within our families, there is harmony in the state. If there is harmony in the state, there is harmony in the world.