Posted on January 20, 2016 View all news
Unfortunately due to gas issues and getting the heat turned on in the building, the blessing on February 6 has been postponed. We lost about 2 weeks of work while trying to get the gas main reconnected. When the streetcar line was run, which runs directly in front of the Pious House, Duke Energy ran new mains and did not connect the house to the line. This was not discovered until we went to turn the gas on at the street level. Duke responded promptly and was very helpful, but it was not realistic to hope that we would have heat when we needed it when this was discovered. We had to reschedule several contractors, some of whom we had scheduled for several months, and they couldn’t fit us back in for 4-6 weeks. We were able to get the heat on this past Monday (1/18) and work has resumed at this point.
An Open House has been scheduled for Sunday, April 17, following the Sunday Masses at Old St. Mary’s for everyone to see the completed Pious House. The Archbishop will be coming to bless the house on another day in a Private Ceremony due to his busy April with Confirmations. Everyone is welcome following Mass. Please continue in prayer for the completion of the house and the establishment of the Oratory here in Cincinnati.