Posted on October 3, 2014 View all news
Join the Community-in-Formation for two big events next week. The first will occur on October 7, the Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary. This Marian Musical Oratory will include the Evening Oratory prayers of the Community, combined with Sacred Music and Hymns about our Lady in German, English, and Latin. The evening will take the traditional form of prayer for the Oratory, as handed down by St. Philip Neri. A reflection upon the Mother of God will also be given. Music will be provided by the Old St. Mary’s Choir and the Schola Cantorum Cincinnatensis. Please join us!
The second event is a Sung Mass for the Feast of Bl. John Henry Newman on October 9 at 7pm. This Mass will be in honor of one of the blesseds of the Oratory, and perhaps the most famous Oratorian in the world. Having had a keen interest in education and learning, he has become the patron of university Newman Centers around the country. Having brought the Oratory to the English Speaking world, we will celebrate this Feast, and also continue to ask God for his canonization as a saint. A blessing with a very rare relic of Bl. John Henry Newman will follow Mass. We hope to see you there!
Both events will take place at:
Old St. Mary’s Church
123 E. 13th St.
Cincinnati, Ohio 45202