Posted on April 12, 2020 View all news

Christus resurrexit! Resurrexit vere! Christus ist auferstanden! Er ist wahrhaft auferstanden! Cristo è risorto! È veramente risorto! Christ is risen! Indeed, He is risen!
Today we celebrate the Feast of Feasts and Solemnity of Solemnities, Easter Sunday; the day on which Christ the Lord triumphantly rose from the dead, conquering death and giving life to all those in the tomb. I wish everyone, on behalf of the Oratory & the parish staff, a very happy and blessed Easter! Frohe Ostern! Buona Pasqua!
Easter is the most important of all Feasts in the Liturgical Year. It is by the date of Easter, which falls on the first Sunday following the first full moon after the Spring Equinox that all other moveable Feasts are determined. This was that the chant that we heard on the Ephiphany when we announced the date of Easter.
This year was a little bittersweet. While on the one hand, we are certainly overjoyed at again celebrating Easter, on the other, it is bitter because we could not celebrate such an important feast together at Mass. But this does not change the fact that Christ has still risen from the dead. So today, put aside whatever angst or anger you may have, and rejoice. For Christ is risen from the dead!
Though simple and modified, we were able to carry out the Holy Week Rites this year. I would certainly like to thank Fr. Adrian, the brothers, and the sisters for their help in making sure we could keep Holy Week as best we could this year. As I have said before, the life of the Church continues, even if it is simpler. Over these past weeks, in addition to Holy Week, I have baptized one adult and three babies. I have received two into the Church and also confirmed one. We have heard many solid hours of confession. Many have continued to come to church to pray. Please know that we will be here when life returns to some form of routine and that we are praying for each of you. Please also pray for us. Please also pray for an end to this Pandemic, special prayers are said by us at each Mass for a swift end to this. Certainly, be sure to pray for all those who are sick, suffer economically, or have died. Please let us know if you need anything, but until we see each again, rejoice, because Christ has risen from the dead!
Per previous, updates, please remember that you can find suggestions here on prayers and where to watch Mass.
Also, be sure to continue to check the parish webpage calendar for the hours that church will be open, and when confession will be offered. You can find the calendar at this link: Google Calendar. This will be the most accurate and updated list, but please be sure to check daily in case something has changed. Please enter through the side door of church.
There is Holy Water and other materials available near the side door. Holy Water bottles are available to be purchased for $1, which simply covers the cost. Please drop this in the donation box under the high pulpit. You can also drop your Sunday collection envelopes for either Old St. Mary’s or Sacred Heart and/or other donations in there as well. You can also set up online giving for Old St. Mary’s here, for Sacred Heart here, and the Oratory here.
Please note that the physical parish office is closed, but everyone is working remotely and responding to phone calls and emails during this time.
Finally, my sermon for this Easter Sunday can be found below. The first recording didn’t turn out with audio, so I had to do it twice. I thought the first was better, but alas, God didn’t want that one! Have a blessed week and Happy Easter!