Posted on May 10, 2020 View all news

Laudetur Jesus Christus! Gelobt sei Jesus Christus!
Sia lodato Gesù Cristo! Praised be Jesus Christ!
First of all, a very Happy Mother’s Day to all of our mothers. You have a very special role to play in the world and I thank you. I entrust you today to the care of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the mother of mothers, and I ask her to intercede for you today before the throne of God to grant each of you many graces! Thank you for choosing to be mothers and doing everything you do and the sacrifices you make. May God bless each of you!
I am happy to announce that the Archbishop has said that we will be able to open for Mass again on May 25. This will enable us to be able to celebrate the Feast of St. Philip Neri publicly on May 26! While the Archbishop stressed this isn’t a return to normal, we will be able to hold public Mass again on this day. I will be studying his guidelines over this upcoming week and determine how we will proceed at both Old St. Mary’s and Sacred Heart. So please watch here and the webpage next week!
Please also note that this upcoming week I will be away on retreat. Please remember me in your prayers and know that you will be in my prayers. For those who wish to make a Holy Hour, Old St. Mary’s will be open Monday, Wednesday, & Thursday at 8:00 a.m. You must arrive no later than 8:00 a.m. as the doors will not be left unlocked. On Tuesday, Church will be open from 8:00 a.m. until 8:00 p.m. On Friday, Church will be open from 8:00 a.m. until 9:00 a.m. Please also note that there will be workers in Church on Monday to move the scaffolding and then painters later in the week. However, in my absence and with Fr. Adrian’s responsibilities at the hospital, this was the best we could do under the circumstances. Confession will be offered on Tuesday at 7:00 p.m. but will only be Fr. Adrian. So please take into consideration that it will only be one priest hearing confession that evening. Confession will also be offered when Church opens on Friday.
The Gospels for Mass have shown us the Lord preparing the Apostles for His Ascension into Heaven. In the Gospel read at the Ordinary Form of the Mass for this Sunday, Our Lord, taken from John 14, declares: “Do not let your hearts be troubled. You have faith in God; have faith also in me.” Many, over the past few weeks have had many worries. Perhaps there has been anxiety over the past years or decades. Concerns about the Church, the Family, society, our county. Today, Our Lord is also speaking to us, do not let your hearts be troubled. If we have faith in God, so too must we have faith in Christ, because He is God! He has trampled death and given life to all in the tomb. We must take solace in that fact and remind ourselves of it every day. Our Lord paid a great price for us, His very life.
When we allow worry, anxiety, fear, and anger to fill our hearts, we are almost telling Him that what He has done for us isn’t enough. We must place our confidence in Christ! It was this confidence that gave the martyrs the strength they exhibited in their trials. As Cornelius Lapide says in his commentary on this passage: “By this faith and confidence ye may overcome all your fears, and be made partakers of my promises. Cast all your cares and anxieties upon Me, your Lord and your God. For although I go away from you as to My bodily presence, yet in My spirit, in My care and guidance of you, I shall be always with you.” When we doubt or are filled with temptation, repeat the words of Christ: “You have faith in God; have also faith in me.”
Per previous updates, please remember that you can find suggestions here on prayers and where to watch Mass.
Also, be sure to continue to check the parish webpage calendar for the hours that church will be open, and when confession will be offered. You can find the calendar at this link: Google Calendar. This will be the most accurate and updated list, but please be sure to check daily in case something has changed. Please enter through the side door of church.
There is Holy Water and other materials available near the side door. Holy Water bottles are available to be purchased for $1, which simply covers the cost. Please drop this in the donation box under the high pulpit. You can also drop your Sunday collection envelopes for either Old St. Mary’s or Sacred Heart and/or other donations in there as well. You can also set up online giving for Old St. Mary’s here, for Sacred Heart here, and the Oratory here.
Please note that the physical parish office is closed, but everyone is working remotely and responding to phone calls and emails during this time.
Finally, my sermon for this Sunday can be found below. As always, pray for a swift end to the pandemic, for all those who suffer, and all those who have died. Have a blessed week ahead!